Entrepreneur, Model, Author, and TV Personality, Caroline Fleming


Caroline Fleming is a well known noble entrepreneur, model, and TV personality. Although these titles are big accomplishments and may keep her busy, she says that there is so much more that she wants to do. “Nine months ago, I moved my little family to Denmark and we recently found our dream home which I am busy doing up and preparing for us to move into mid July. That’s taking up much of my time as I am also a very hands on mother and life in Denmark is all about children and family. Once we are settled in the new house I want to start my next TV project where I dream of helping young women become the best version of themselves. I think there are so many people who are stuck somehow and not living their best and happiest life, I would move to help change that. I an’t say much more for now but it will be very special.” You may have seen her on the classic show, Ladies of London or read her incredible book, ‘Cook Yourself Happy: The Danish Way.’


If you look at her Instagram account, your eyes may be drawn to the quote she has on it. It says, “You are what you eat and think. These can either be the most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison. It all starts with you.” What Caroline meant by this is “that we all know when we feel great and when we don’t feel so good. Food really impacts this. For example, when you eat too much of something you can begin to feel sick. I know that if I eat a Big Mac Donald’s burger with fries and a milk shake, I sometimes feels nauseous, a home made burger on the other hand makes me feel good. It’s about being sensitive and tuning into your body and what makes you feel good and what doesn’t, and trying to stay away from what makes you feel bad as much as you can. We know that having a body which is alkaline protects us against much disease, therefore being conscious about what we put into our bodies and how it impacts our bodies is also important - being conscious and aware and responsible.”

She does believe in having a bit of everything you desire, not holding back, but trying to put much more of the good stuff into our bodies and less of the bad. “But again what makes one person feel good makes another feel bad, it’s very individual.” She notes that if we are sick and have the flu, we should be eating much lighter things like chicken broth. “We know that good energy comes from whole foods rather than a quick fix of lots of coffee and chocolate…and we are all guilty of taking the easy solution.” Which she says is not always the best way to go. “We are what we eat, it’s out own choice and the consequences thereafter.”


Caroline comes from a foodie family. She grew up in a home where her father was the most incredible cook, as well as her grandmother. “I have been lucky to always have very delicious and fresh home made food.” Her passion for cooking started seriously when she moved away from home, inspired by bother her father and grandmother, but as by Restaurant experience at Nobu and la petit Maison to mention a few. “Japanese flavors with good Mediterranean ingredients was often my choice of style combos. I then specialized in my favorite dishes from different countries from osso bucco to coq au Vin, and as time went by and I got more and more experienced, I started creating my own dishes and have since written five cook books.” You can find her most recent book, “Cook Yourself Happy, the Danish Way,” which include all her favorite dishes from her childhood, on amazon now.

Follow her on Instagram to stay updated with her! @carolineflemingoffical


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